Product title

ルロワ ドメーヌ ルロワ ヴォーヌ ロマネ レ ボーモン 2014 ヴォーヌロマネ Domaine Leroy Vosne Romanee Les Beaux Monts フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン

Product details

生産者ドメーヌ ルロワDomaine Leroyワイン名ヴォーヌ ロマネ レ ボーモンVosne Romanee Les Beaux Montsヴィンテージ2014容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: (94 - 96)点予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2040The 2014 Vosne Romanée 1er Cru les Beaux Monts has just a faint reduction on the nose, but behind that lies very intense dark cherry, cranberry jus and mineral scents that seem to gain intensity with every swirl of the glass. The palate is stunning: filigree tannin, almost overwhelming intensity with great power and detail on the silky-smooth finish. This could turn out to be one of the domaines finest 2014s given this showing, certainly one of Lalou Bize-Leroys finest premier crus.(222, The Wine Advocate, 31st Dec 2015) ドメーヌ ルロワ一覧へ