Product title

Super Gershwin [ 黒田由樹 ]

Product details

黒田由樹スーパー ガーシュウィン クロダユキ クロダアキ 発売日:2021年06月30日 予約締切日:2021年06月26日 SUPER GERSHWIN JAN:4571268783401 POURー1006 プルクワレーベル 黒田亜樹 (株)ディスクユニオン [Disc1] 『Super Gershwin』/CD アーティスト:黒田由樹/黒田亜樹 曲目タイトル:  1. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.1 I got rhythm [2:33]  2. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.2 Somebody loves me [3:54]  3. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.3 Fascinating rhythm [2:45]  4. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.4 But not for me [4:29]  5. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.5 My man's gone now [3:41]  6. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.6 The man I love [3:21]  7. Seven Super Etudes for flute and piano after Gershwin No.7 It ain't necessarily so [3:27]  8. Bess,You is my woman [5:23]  9. Promenade (Walking the Dog) [3:12]  10. 3 Preludes No.1 in BーFlat Major [1:47]  11. 3 Preludes No.2 in CーSharp Minor [3:41]  12. 3 Preludes No.3 in EーFlat Minor [1:12] CD ジャズ 日本のジャズ