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【新鮮!毎週5個限定入荷】パンダンリーフマレーシア料理 食材 エスニック ハーブ タコヤシの葉スパイス ★Fresh Pandan Leaf 90g Leaves Paprika木更津

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パンダンリーフマレーシア料理 食材 エスニック ハーブ タコヤシの葉スパイス Fresh Pandan Leaf 250g Leaves Paprika木更津 アダン、ニオイアダン、タコノキ、ニオイタコノキ、パンダナス葉っぱ。料理に新しい味を与える。楽しみにどうぞ。 ★マレーシア料理やアジア・エスニック料理で使用されている野菜「パンダンリーフ」は、バニラのようなココナッツのような甘い香りが特徴です。 利用 東南アジアでは、ニオイタコノキの葉は料理の香りづけに用いられ、ナシレマッのような飯・カレー料理から、カヤジャム、パンダンケーキ、ビカアンボンなどのデザートまで、さまざまな料理に使われる。特にアイスクリームのようなデザートでは、チョコレートとあわせて提供されることが多い。インドネシア語やマレー語で “daun pandan”、中国語では“斑蘭”と呼ばれる。料理に使われる生の葉は、扱いやすいようにひも状に引き裂いて結び、鍋に入れ、料理の最後に取り出す。他にも乾燥品や葉の抽出液などが販売されている。   キューラはアダンなどタコノキ属の植物の花を蒸留して作る抽出液で、インド料理において飲み物やデザートの風味付けに用いられる。また礼拝などの宗教的な行事に利用されるほか、インド西部では葉を装飾や芳香目的で髪飾りにもする。 ★【内容】約250g What Is Pandan?In Southeast Asia, pandan leaves are used to lend a unique taste and aroma to flavor desserts and drinks as well as savory dishes. Pandan leaves, which are sold fresh, frozen, and dried, can also be used to wrap savory foods, such as chicken or sticky rice. The leaves impart these foods with an aromatic note and also give the dishes visual appeal. The paste, extract, and powder tint the ingredients with a green hue while contributing flavor. Pandan is inexpensive, with a much lower price tag than vanilla bean.Pandan UsesThere are different uses for pandan, also known as screw pine, depending on its form, whether leaves, paste, extract, or powder. Whole pandan leaves are used as a wrapping before steaming or frying foods, similar to banana leaves. However, pandan is much thinner in width compared to the broad banana leaf, so it is important to note that the juices may seep through. Pandan paste and extract are added to recipes as a flavoring, much the way we use vanilla flavoring in the West, while the powder is included in baked goods and tea. All of these products impart a green color to the dish. How to Cook With Pandan Fresh leaves have the strongest flavor; if using frozen or dried pandan leaves, it is best to double or triple the amount called for in the recipe as freezing and drying diminishes the flavor. When using frozen pandan, thaw the leaves at room temperature, rinse under cold water, and dry well before using. The dried pandan leaves need to be rehydrated before using, or they can be ground up into a powder. To make pandan paste, pound fresh, pandan leaves into a paste, removing the fibrous pieces and adding water sparingly. Pandan extract can be made by grinding the leaves with some water and then straining the mixture; the liquid that remains is the extract. Only a small amount of paste or extract is needed when adding to recipes. Taste of Pandan LeavesPandan leaves have a naturally sweet taste and soft aroma. Its flavor is strong, described as grassy with hints of rose, almond, and vanilla, verging on coconut. Pandan shares an aroma compound with basmati rice, so some cooks looking to save money will flavor plain rice with pandan. StorageFresh pandan leaves can be wrapped in a damp paper towel or plastic bag and stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator where they will last for about four days. Pandan leaves can also be frozen. Arrange them in one layer on a baking sheet and place in the freezer. Once frozen, put the pandan leaves into a zip-top bag and return to the freezer where they will last for about six months. Dried leaves, as well as paste, extract, and powder can be stored in the pantry. Homemade paste and extract should be kept in the refrigerator and will last for one to three weeks. Nutrition and BenefitsThai people have been aware of pandan's possible health benefits for many years. The leaves have been said to help relieve headaches and cramps and may even help to lower blood pressure. Product Quantity: ≈250g   こんにちは!オーナーの飯塚です。 バナナリーフは東南アジアではお正月など祝い事でも利用されます。揚げ物の下に敷いたりデザートの下に敷いたりとアレンジがいろいろできます。新鮮なバナナリーフはまず国内では珍しいでしょう。   【在庫ありの場合】12時までの注文で当日発送または23時まで注文で翌日発送【在庫がない場合】別途納期のご連絡をさせていただきます 1