Product title
米国starmark社製 犬猫のしつけ用トレーニングクリッカー 送料 無料
Product details
・Blue TCQC・犬のしつけの本場アメリカからの直輸入品です。・手の中にすっぽり収まるサイズのクリッカーです。・近年少しずつ注目されるようになってきたクリッカートレーニング。叱ることなく動物をしつけられる商品です。・クリッカーというのは、独特の「カチッ」という音がして、その音を利用して犬をトレーニングしていきます。説明 The StarMark Clicker Training System is based on the scientific principles of Classical and Operant Conditioning 2 proven and well-respected methods of modifying your dog’s behavior and enhancing his training experience. Teach him to repeat behaviors that lead to rewards. The ergonomic Clicker fits comfortably in your hand and features an easy-to-press raised button and a stainless steel rust-resistant clicker element. To reward your dog click the button and give your pet a treat so he will learn to associate that action with a reward. Use the included step-by-step training guide for complete details. The guide is approved by the Training Directors of Triple Crown Academy. Clicker attaches easily to a keychain or lanyard so you can always have it close by.